It is something of an indulgence for me to include Nek Chand on this website as I cannot claim a long working relationship

with the octogenerian genius. However, I feel that my month long visit to the wondrous Rock Garden in Chandigarh and the

exhibition I co-curated of his work in London justify the inclusion.


I spent a month at the Rock Garden (pictured above and website here) as part of a volunteer group visting to assist in a

major grafitti removal project. Much of the statuary had been scribbled on in a range of materials from lipstick to Tippex

and felt tips both water based and indelible. It was rewarding and interesting to use skills learned and developed in the

UK in such a context.

Chandigarh 2004

Nek Chand at the Bhavan Centre, London for an exhibition of his work. May 2006

Nek Chand wiith his wife on the London Eye. May 2006